Pour Over Accessories

To take full advantage of the adjustability of the pour, you’ll need several accessories. Without a gooseneck kettle and scale, it’s hard to make any minor adjustments for consistency.

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Gooseneck Pot Provides Precise Pouring

The gooseneck is defined by the shape of the spout, which looks like the neck of a goose. The gooseneck nozzle lets you pour the water exactly where you want it at a consistent rate, essential when brewing with a manual pour. Not only do you need to pour the water evenly on all surfaces, but many people have a preferred method of pouring.

(The exact pattern is usually customized for a specific hand pour, but it usually involves a combination of making concentric circles and pouring in the middle of the ground.)

Both Bonavita and Hario kettles have their heating element, which is convenient.

What’s more, the Bonavita model also features a temperature display. With no temperature display, water is available between the ideal brewing temperature of 195 to 205°F. You just need to bring the water to a boil and let it cool for about 30 seconds. However, having a temperature display offers another level of precision.

Scale Provides Dosing Accuracy

A coffee scale allows you to weigh the amount of coffee you use to the nearest gram or possibly to the tenth of a gram.

Weighing allows you to control the ratio of coffee to water with a precision that a coffee spoon can’t handle. Because coffees vary in density, measuring ground coffee in grams is more accurate than tablespoons.

You can also weigh out the amount of water to use when pouring. When using a manual pour, it can be difficult to tell how much water you’re using visually. The scale will remove any uncertainty.

All the Gear You Need to Make the Perfect Pour

Pouring is a fun thing to do. It is at the same time the least technical way to make coffee and a favorite for coffee snobs. It also happens to be our favorite way to make coffee at home, something we’re doing a lot these days.

But let’s say you don’t usually make coffee at home. You’ve never bought coffee beans, and you’ve never considered what size coffee filter to buy, or whether glass or ceramic is better for pouring over the cone. This is so cool – I’m here to hold your hand and sit you down with a killer tipping mechanism.

Here’s everything you need to brew in the comfort of your kitchen:

Pouring Device

There is no secret technology happening here. What you see is a cone with a hole in the bottom. However, two essential factors—shape and material—are imperative when it comes to equipment that brews coffee. The size 02 Hario V60 satisfies our preference for both.

First is the shape: the V60 has an open bottom, which means the filter drips directly into the container below it without coming into contact with a flat surface. On the other hand, pouring on a flat-bottomed cone allows the coffee to pool before dripping, prolonging the time the water is in contact with the beans, thereby over-extracting the beans.

The second is the material of the cone, which determines its thermal insulation. Don’t be too nerdy. Keep the water and coffee mixture warm while brewing coffee beans. You can make more delicious coffee. Skip any ceramic that cools the fastest. Instead, choose glass (which looks the best and has good thermal insulation) or plastic (which does not look as good as glass but has better thermal insulation than glass).

Paper Coffee Filter

You know what a coffee filter does, right? It keeps your coffee from turning into sludge. Most coffee filters are made for specific brewing equipment, so we like the 02 V60 sizes, and we also like the natural size 02 Hario V60 filter, which is unbleached and compostable when finished. If you don’t want to compost paper often, plenty of reusable cloth and metal coffee filters are out there. However, if you just want to dump as much as possible, nothing will do the job better than paper.

A Pour-Over Server

Well, you don’t need one of these: you can put the V60 on a mason jar, mug, or 16th-century Ottoman vase. But if you’re splitting coffee with someone or heating the mug with hot water before pouring it into the mug, they’re okay, and we recommend that. The Hario carafe looks good and makes us feel special.

Coffee Grinder

We’re very supportive of the whole bean coffee team here – it’s the easiest way to elevate your cup. Coffee beans, once ground, give off their authentic flavor, which means that pre-ground coffee beans are a shadow of what they used to be. But buying whole coffee beans means you need to grind them yourself, and for that, you need a coffee grinder. We love the burr grinder, which grinds coffee beans with a set of rotating textured metal surfaces instead of blades. Unlike blades, burrs allow you to adjust and consistently grind roughness.

For an affordable manual grinder, the Hario coffee grinder does just that. If you want a more precise and portable hand grinder, the Knock Aergrind is significant but expensive. If you’re going to grind coffee quickly and in large batches, not just for you, we recommend an electric grinder like the Barazza Encore. Your arm will thank us.

Coffee Grinder

We’re very supportive of the whole bean coffee team here – it’s the easiest way to elevate your cup. Coffee beans, once ground, give off their authentic flavor, which means that pre-ground coffee beans are a shadow of what they used to be. But buying whole coffee beans means you need to grind them yourself, and for that, you need a coffee grinder. We love the burr grinder, which grinds coffee beans with a set of rotating textured metal surfaces instead of blades. Unlike blades, burrs allow you to adjust and consistently grind roughness.

For an affordable manual grinder, the Hario coffee grinder does just that. If you want a more precise and portable hand grinder, the Knock Aergrind is significant but expensive. If you’re going to grind coffee quickly and in large batches, not just for you, we recommend an electric grinder like the Barazza Encore. Your arm will thank us.

A Hot Water Kettle

Every coffee brewing method requires hot water, but it is up to you. Old-fashioned teapot? This works. Campfire? If that makes you happy, go for it. But we are fans of the electric kettle for its ease of use and temperature accuracy. The Stagg EKG electric kettle is what you’re after if you want to be your best. It allows you to control the temperature to a certain extent, heats up quickly, and looks beautiful. But so can the Hario V60 kettle, which can be heated on the stove. Whatever you end up with, make sure it has a gooseneck (that slender, curved nozzle) that allows the water to flow deliberately slowly.

Of Course, There is Also a Cup

Uh. What you pour out is worthless if there is nothing to drink. Can we recommend a classic novelty mug? With an 11-ounce capacity, it perfectly pours 22 grams of coffee in a 16:1 ratio.

Common Beginner Coffee Pour Questions 

Feeling a little lost when you see your local barista pouring coffee? I get it. When I first watched it, I thought it was a bunch of pretentious crap. This seems like a waste of time and effort, but I have to admit I’m curious.

However, despite my growing curiosity, I was reluctant to ask the barista at that coffee shop. I had to do a lot of speculation, which led me to some wrong ideas.

I don’t want you to have to guess – or wonder about the question to ask the barista.

My goal is to educate you to brew top-notch coffee like a pro, so I’m happy to answer all of your pouring coffee questions.

Let’s start with these common…

Why Spend so Much Time Pouring Coffee?

This is almost always the first question people ask when they see poured coffee for the first time. It seems odd to spend so much time on just one or two cups when the machine can brew three times as much coffee in the same amount of time.

But, contrary to our suspicions at first glance, this is for a good reason.

What Equipment Do I Need to Pour Coffee?

Since this way of making coffee is handmade, it requires some equipment to achieve the high level of control we like when pouring coffee. In addition to the burr coffee grinder, you’ll need the following:

You need a pour-over brewer. Often called “cones” or “drippers,” these simple devices hold coffee filters in place.

Then you need a cup to catch the coffee coming out. Some pour-over beers include a carafe, but most are placed directly on the mug or server.

The following two pieces of gear aren’t essential, but they take you to a new level of control and consistency that ultimately leads to better coffee.

The coffee scale gives you complete control over how much water and coffee you use, which allows you to consistently brew a well-balanced coffee instead of guessing with a spoon.

The odd-looking but effective gooseneck kettle allows you to pour slowly and precisely. This can help you brew with a slow, steady stream of water rather than a large, uncontrolled amount of water from a large jug.

Should You Use a Pouring Rack on Your Pour-Over Brewer?

That’s the way it is. Inversion stands are excellent, but they are more of a visual item than a practical one. Yes, they’ll lift your brewer and let you brew into any cup that fits under the stand…but that’s about it.

Unfortunately, most of these stalls don’t work well with coffee scales. They’re too big to fit under the scale, so you can’t see exactly how much water you’ve poured during the brew — meaning less controllable and consistent coffee.

Buy one if you have the space, but most people don’t need to bother.

What is the Best Type of Pour Coffee Filter?

If you’ve ever looked at pour-over coffee machines online, you’ve no doubt seen that there are three types of coffee filters: paper, cloth, and metal.

Let me briefly describe how they differ.

The type of filters you have is entirely up to you, but it can be hard to know which one you’ll like without trying them all.

One direction is to get a cone with a built-in metal filter and paper and cloth filters. Then you will always have a permanent filter, but you can choose to use another filter on the same device.

So What’s the Deal with Watering Cycles?

The water-pour technique has raised the alarm of suspicion in many of us. It looks silly. However, it is essential for brewing a stellar cup.

This is the main goal: pour the water so that all the coffee grounds are extracted evenly.

Uneven pouring > Uneven ground stirring > Uneven extraction.

But what happens when you just have a big spout and can’t help pouring water into a significant stream? You lose control, the grounds are not evenly stirred, and some grounds end up extracting more than others.

Then you have a bunch of grounds that give off too much bitterness and some that don’t even reach the sweetness stage. You can taste it.

Pouring carefully and slowly with a gooseneck kettle is our way of regaining control. This is how we ensure that all sites are affected by the same amount of water (or as close as we can get).

This is also a way to extend the brew time. If you throw in a whole bucket of water from the start, it will drain unevenly and too quickly. You’ll be left with a sour and unsatisfactory coffee because it doesn’t have enough time to extract.

Pour the water slowly to keep the water in contact with the coffee longer, ensuring you get a delicious, balanced extraction.

What is This “Bloom”?

This is a brief phase at the beginning of coffee brewing in preparation for the extraction of ground coffee. These grounds are filled with carbon dioxide as long as you buy freshly roasted beans and grind them before brewing.

By pouring a small amount of water to saturate your ground, you can initiate a period of rapid degassing when carbon dioxide is flushed out of the ground. Its degassing is so powerful that the water goes straight out without any deliciousness.

That’s why we give this blooming stage about 30 seconds to do its job before continuing to pour in any extra water.

To calculate bloom water, multiply the grams of coffee you use by 2. For example, 20 grams of coffee requires about 40 grams (also 40 ml) of water to bloom evenly.

How to Make Pour-Over Coffee 

When making pour-over coffee, the two most significant factors are:

  1. The quality of coffee beans.
  2. The purity of water. 

However, every detail is essential. Obtaining consistent grind roughness, using appropriate measurements, and using water at the right temperature will also improve the taste of your coffee cup.

What do you need:

Now, start preparing. If you dig enough, you’ll find different recommendations for coffee-to-water ratios.

I’ve been using this recipe for years and ended up using 1g of coffee with 16ml of water.

So for a pot of coffee to produce about 2 large cups (250ml each), you would use 32g coffee + about 500ml water.

This assumes you are using premium coffee beans and filtered water. Sometimes the coffee can be too strong to hide imperfections in the beans or water.

I also tend to grind my coffee a little finer (to the consistency of table salt) than is usually recommended (coarse sea salt), which seems to balance nicely with a little more water for a nice cup of coffee.


  1. Measure out approximately 1 gram of coffee per 16 ml of water. For a 500ml/2 cup coffee maker, you will use 32g of coffee and 500ml of water.
  2. Grind the beans to the consistency of acceptable sea salt or table salt and set aside. Also, bring the filtered water to a boil (add more water (approximately 600 ml) to the pot because you need extra water to wet the filter-see the next step).
  3. Unfold your paper filter, separate it, fold it three times on one side and once on the other (see video for visual effects). Then insert the filter into the top of the Chemex, with the three-folded side facing the spout.
  4. Wet the paper filter with enough hot water to saturate it. This reduces any possibility of a “paper smell” in the coffee. Then pour out the excess water through the nozzle.
  5. Add coffee grounds to the filter and shake gently to settle.
  6. Add enough water to cover the coffee grounds (~66ml) so the coffee can “bloom.” Then wait 45 seconds. This step lets the gas escape from the coffee to help improve the overall flavor.
  7. After flowering, start pouring the remaining hot water over the coffee in small circles. Concentrate on pouring mainly on the inner circle, occasionally pouring near the edge to keep the ground wet at all times. For the first round, pour about 200 ml of water.
  8. If you pour slowly enough, you can keep a constant pour and let it filter at the same speed (ideal for the best flavor). Or you can run about 200ml batches at a time. However, try not to let the ground dry completely. The total pour time should be 3.5 minutes.
  9. After brewing, remove the filter and enjoy your coffee. Bonus tip: Warm the mug with the remaining hot water before pouring the coffee. Be sure to pour off any excess water before enjoying your coffee. Enjoy fresh, or cover and refrigerate for up to 24 hours.


Why the Coffee has to “bloom”?

Simply put, before brewing, coffee contains gases produced during the roasting process. Blossoming the coffee will release some gas, so your last cup of coffee will taste cleaner. Plus, it helps level the coffee grounds, making pouring easier.

Do you have to use Chemex for pouring?

No! But it’s one of the best options for making multiple cups of coffee.

Should I buy ground coffee beans or whole beans? 

Both are fine if you get them to the right consistency. Most grinders in the store or coffee shop have a dump setting that you can try. Eventually, you’ll get a consistency similar to table salt. Buy whole beans and grind them before brewing if you have your grinder.

Does good coffee need filtered water?

Yes! This has a significant impact on coffee quality. Intense brews, quality beans, or other tricks can’t make up for pristine water.

What is the best grind for Chemex?

Salt consistency. If your coffee ends up tasting dry or bitter, you may need to use a coarser grind.

What is the best grinder for Chemex?

If beans and water quality were the two most important factors when brewing a pour, grind consistency would be #3. Burr grinders are the best texture and don’t alter the flavor (blade grinders can heat the beans and cause quality issues). 

What is the best kettle for Chemex?

OK, now we’re getting fancy! Any kettle with a gooseneck is preferred over a standard teapot because it gives you more control when pouring.

How to Perfect Your Pour-Over Coffee

Pours may make their day in the sun, but many of our favorites have been around for decades. Whether you’re a Bee House Brewer for the first time or a V60 Master, brewing the best beer takes some professional skills. Also, always use fresh coffee and adjust the grind and ratio to taste.

Rinse and repeat

Before brewing, place the filter in the brewer and rinse with hot water. This flushes off the papery residue (it imparts a woody taste, seals the filter, and heats your brewer. Heating everything keeps the brew temperature stable.

Grind right

The grinding problem consists of three main elements: when, how, and what size.

Grinding before brewing is important because fresh coffee begins to oxidize and age faster after grinding.

Grinding the coffee in the correct settings is also critical – the size of the grind particles affects extraction, so it’s essential to set this up for your method. We have a crucial grinding guide.

If all else fails, you don’t have a good grinder at home, or you can’t seem to dial in properly, ask your barista at Stumptown Cafe or other local specialty coffee shop to grind it your way. Please be specific about What type of brewing equipment you are using. If you have a grinder, use this 

ground coffee to calibrate the grinder to match. 

TIP: Placing the ground coffee on a white sheet of paper can help you compare particle sizes.

Finally, when it comes to the type of grinder, burrs are better. Blade grinders cut coffee into irregular-sized pieces, resulting in uneven extraction. We like the quality, customer service, and repair policy of Baratza Electric Grinders.

Perfect your pour

The first dump is called the bloom dump. The flower dump saturates all grounds and helps to extract later evenly. Pour about twice as much water into the coffee and stir gently. This should take 30-45 seconds.

You should pour in a slow but steady spiral to keep it even. Gooseneck kettle helps You be precise – avoid highlights, go dark.

Clean water method.

Don’t brew coffee with water that you won’t drink. Clean water = clean coffee. You will want your water to boil after about 205 degrees or about 30 seconds.

Ratio Test

Using consistent water to coffee ratio will help with your dosage. Then you can adjust to taste. As a general rule, we recommend a coffee to water weight ratio of approximately 1:17. In other words, for Chemex, we use 42 grams of coffee and about 700 grams of water.

Finally, make adjustments! If your coffee tastes bland or sour, you should adjust your grind to make it more acceptable. Adjust the grind to make it coarser if the taste is too bitter.