Paper Filters

To cooperate with the “pour method” or directly installed in your coffee machine, the paper filter is very popular with those who want to balance the taste experience and avoid too much oil during brewing.

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The paper coffee filter is the best solution to capture unwanted particles during the brewing process. Only the delicious coffee beans soaked in water can be perfectly flavored.

Do you need a paper filter with a permanent filter?

WHEN BREWING COFFEE, do I need to use a paper filter with a permanent filter? Why add a paper filter with a permanent filter? Is it even necessary? Let’s explore it.

Some of us have a curious question about whether we should or need to use paper filters with permanent filters. Filters are essential for some coffee drinkers. The filter separates the coffee grounds from the coffee liquid. Although they are usually not necessary, they can be beneficial.

There are significant differences between paper filters and metal filters.

Although you usually do not need to use a paper filter with a permanent filter, you may need to use a paper filter with a permanent filter in the following situations (or replace the permanent filter with a paper filter):

As an important note, we want to emphasize that in some cases, you can use a paper filter with a permanent filter when brewing coffee. However, you should replace the permanent filter with a paper filter in other cases.

For example, you should not use paper filters with permanent filters in most electric coffee machines. This is because the coffee machine may clog and flood your countertop. You can use only one type of filter.

When to use paper filters with permanent metal filters?

The following are the most common reasons why you may need to use a paper filter with a permanent filter (or replace the permanent filter with a paper filter):

How to use a paper filter with a permanent filter?

There are two ways to use paper filters with permanent filters:

If you need a paper filter, should you buy a coffee machine with a permanent filter?

Many electric coffee machines have their permanent filters. If this happens to your coffee machine, the manufacturer usually recommends removing the permanent filter before inserting the paper filter.

Using two filters means that the coffee is filtered twice, which results in a lighter cup of coffee. In addition, using both simultaneously may damage your coffee machine. At best, the coffee machine is leaking. In the worst case, the coffee machine will be permanently damaged.

However, it is essential to invest in a good coffee machine, so even if it is equipped with a permanent filter, we want to use a paper filter, as long as it can be removed. In addition, you never know when you will receive customers who like unfiltered coffee.

Who should buy permanent filters?

The metal filter is an additional benefit of the man coffee machine, so we don’t need to pay for it separately. Some people may wish to purchase permanent filters (instead of paper filters):

We do not recommend permanent filters for people with high cholesterol levels. The metal mesh of most of these filters cannot capture all the oils and all the coffee ingredients that increase the level of harmful cholesterol in the body.

Conclusion: Which is better: need a paper filter with a permanent filter?

Some people may need to use a paper filter with a permanent metal filter. This demand stems from health requirements or taste preferences. However, in most cases, there is no need to use paper and permanent at the same time.

Will the coffee paper filter expire? The expiry date of the paper coffee filter paper.

Will the coffee paper filter expire? If you notice a specific change in the coffee’s flavor, aroma, or depth, you may wonder whether the paper filter should be blamed. Does the filter paper have a shelf life? How long can a paper coffee filter commonly be used? Today we will discuss it.

Like any paper, paper filters have an expiration date. This means that paper filters may not be as effective or efficient in filtering coffee after some time. However, the expiration date does not mean that the filter has deteriorated or changed the taste of the coffee. This simply means that they filter coffee less efficiently.

So, will the paper filter expire?

The short answer is: paper filters usually do not expire. If you put the filter paper in an isolated and well-preserved space, the filter paper should not be damaged. In addition, paper filters are usually better than metal filters!

They usually do not deteriorate, but they can significantly change the flavor of the coffee.

Although paper filters generally do not deteriorate, several user errors can negatively affect paper filters. All these errors can cause a significant change in the coffee flavor.

To protect your paper filter, please consider using the original packaging bag, sealed glass container, ziplock bag, or vacuum-sealed bag (for this, you need a vacuum sealer).


Although paper filters generally do not deteriorate, in some cases, paper filters may not be usable due to user error. There are several ways to extend the shelf life of paper filters!

How to filter coffee with filter paper in the Percolator?

The percolator can also use a paper filter to brew filtered coffee. This way, you can drink coffee from the filter without worrying about the “bad” coffee elements that increase cholesterol. 

Although there are some differences in flavor and strength, the main difference between a paper filter and a metal filter is that the paper filter brews filtered coffee while filters unfiltered coffee.

Filter paper can remove “bad” elements such as coffee alcohol or coffee beans. These elements stimulate and increase low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the human body. Therefore, people with special conditions, such as elevated cholesterol levels, should use filter paper and drink filtered coffee.

We have some good news! You can buy a paper coffee filter for your filter to brew filtered coffee (and remove bad cholesterol).

Percolators and paper filter for brewing filtered coffee

You can use the percolator with filter paper and brew filtered coffee in two ways.

The paper filter can filter out heavy coffee oil and other ingredients to produce brighter and sweeter coffee.


You can use the filter to brew coffee, even if you prefer to drink filtered coffee. Although the percolator usually does not use a paper filter to brew unfiltered coffee, paper filters are also suitable for percolator.

The paper filter and metal filter: which one is more suitable for a cup of high-quality coffee?

Most drip and single-cup coffee machines require a coffee filter to brew coffee. Usually, coffee lovers need to choose between paper filters and metal filters. What is the difference between a paper filter and a metal filter? Which one should your machine have? Which is better and why? Let’s explore it.

I have a drip coffee machine, and I need to choose a coffee filter. What is the difference between a paper filter and a metal filter? Which one is better? And why?

The goal of the coffee filter is to prevent coffee particles from entering a cup of coffee. Few people are willing to drink coffee in a cup. Therefore, paper and metal filters extract the coffee during the brewing process and separate the coffee grounds from the actual beverage.

However, coffee filters can also have a meaningful impact on coffee beverages’ strength and the actual content. Some coffee filters produce more rich, robust coffee, while others are weaker and less intense. In addition, coffee filters can play an essential role in creating filtered and unfiltered coffee (hence, less or more coffee oil and ingredients).

To meet the needs and expectations of different consumers, the manufacturer has designed the two most popular coffee filters: paper filters and metal filters. Although the two are very similar, there are also significant differences between paper and metal filters. Each has unique advantages and disadvantages.

Paper Filters vs. Metal Filters: Pros & Cons

Paper Filter:



Metal Filters:



Paper filter vs. metal filter

The difference between paper filter and metal filter

There are several differences between paper filters and metal filters. The main difference is that the paper filter brews filtered coffee, while the metal filter brews unfiltered coffee. Because paper filters can prevent fine particles and oil from entering the cup, paper filters are a better and safer choice for people with special conditions such as high cholesterol.

In addition, paper filters are usually only disposable, while metal filters can be reused. This means that although paper filters are easier to clean, metal filters can save money in less than a year.

Last but not least, paper filters can filter out heavy coffee oil and other ingredients, resulting in brighter, sweeter coffee. At the same time, the metal filter will produce a darker, more robust coffee because it allows these coffee ingredients to enter the cup.

Similarities between paper filters and metal filters

Both the paper filter and the metal filter help extract coffee grounds but prevent the coffee grounds from entering a cup of coffee. The filter allows coffee grounds and water to interact longer (because the water needs to find a way to drip) but ultimately separates the coffee grounds from the actual beverage.

Paper filter

Paper coffee filters are usually made of excellent paper materials. This paper material comes from fast-growing trees that are converted into long fibers. This material allows water to filter and drip into the cup.

Due to its structure and paper material, paper coffee filters are usually disposable. Therefore, we should only use paper filters once and discard them after each use.

The paper filter brews so-called filtered coffee. Although different people may like to use paper filters when brewing coffee, people with certain diseases (such as elevated cholesterol) should use paper filters regularly. Why?

Due to the fine material, the paper coffee filter can capture and prevent tiny coffee particles (such as oil and fine powder) from entering the coffee beverage.

Specifically, paper filters can prevent diterpenes from entering a cup of coffee. Although diterpenes have anti-inflammatory properties, they are considered unsafe for people with certain diseases (such as elevated cholesterol levels).

Filter paper cost

The cost of the paper filter is about 8 cents per brew. Therefore, a coffee lover who drinks a coffee every day should spend about $30 a year on a coffee filter. 

Metal filter

On the other hand, metal coffee filters are usually made of stainless steel, aluminum, or other metals. These materials prevent larger coffee particles from entering a cup of coffee. However, the metal filter is not fine enough, allowing oil and refined powder to be filtered directly into the cup.

Therefore, the metal coffee filter will not filter out the diterpene, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Coffee lovers who have no health problems (such as elevated cholesterol) may like coffee brewed with a metal filter.

The metal filter takes some time to clean. Although some may present challenges in obtaining coffee grounds from the net, most require simple cleaning. However, the main advantage of metal filters is that they can be reused. This reduces the carbon footprint on the environment.

The cost of metal filters

The price of a metal coffee filter is between $10 and $25, depending on the type and size. This means that the metal filter will pay off in less than a year of brewing coffee.

The metal filter is also solid. Therefore, many coffee lovers continue to use metal filters for at least a few years.


The coffee filter can help brew a cup of coffee. There are some differences between paper filters and metal filters, and every coffee lover needs to decide which filter to use.

However, if you choose a paper or metal filter, there are a few suggestions.

People with certain diseases (such as elevated cholesterol) should use filter paper regularly. The paper filter filters out oil and refined materials, resulting in better-filtered coffee. In addition, coffee lovers who like sweeter, lighter, and brighter coffee will definitely like filter paper.

We don’t like the environmental footprint of paper filters because they are disposable. However, they are easy to clean and are usually made from specific fast-growing trees.

On the other hand, metal filters will attract people who want to save money. The metal filter is reusable and can pay for itself in less than a year of coffee brewing. In addition, metal filters may appeal to people who like strong coffee because these filters do not filter out coffee oil and fine materials.

Ultimately, you need to decide what is right for you. If you have no conditions, try metal and paper filters to see which is best for you!

Can coffee filters be composted?

If you like coffee, having a coffee machine can be the perfect complement to your kitchen. Considering that you drink coffee every day, you are likely to put a lot of coffee filters in the trash can. But have you ever wondered whether you should throw the used filter in the trash can? Is it safe for the environment? Can you compost coffee filters? We will help you find the correct answer in this article.

Can you compost coffee filters?

Yes, coffee filters are entirely compostable, but we are talking about paper coffee filters here. It may be different if your filter is made of other materials, such as linen. In addition, coffee filters are usually treated with chemicals such as bleach.

Therefore, you should choose an unbleached filter to keep the compost organic. But the amount of chemicals used in these filters is minimal; it does not significantly impact health.

In addition, adding a coffee filter is biodegradable and beneficial to your compost. These materials are believed to contain carbon and therefore prove to be a good balance of nitrogen content. You can also add coffee grounds because they are rich in nitrogen, improving compost quality.

Facts have proved that coffee filters are an excellent way to control odor and increase oxygen content. This leads to healthier compost piles and easier maintenance.

How long does it take for the coffee filter to decompose?

There is no clear answer to this question. This is because different factors affect the time required for the coffee filter to decompose. Some of these factors include:

Generally, it takes 6 to 8 months for the coffee filter to decompose and become unrecognizable ultimately. This duration is typical for organic products. When deteriorating, make sure to turn the filter with a pitchfork every one to two weeks to improve the decomposition process.

Are coffee filters harmful to the environment?

The coffee filter bag is made of paper, and the paper has nothing harmful to the environment. In addition, even making coffee filters is safe for the environment. When it comes to coffee filters, there are two types, including:

Genius Ways to Reuse Old Coffee Filters

In addition to composting them, you can also use coffee filters in various ways. Here are some alternative uses for old coffee filters:

1. Use it again

An unknown fact about the coffee filter is that you can use it multiple times before you need to discard it. All you have to do is pour the ground coffee into the compost pile, dry the filter, and then use the filter again to brew the next pot.

2. Control the growth of weeds

Coffee filters provide a cost-effective and straightforward way to control the growth of weeds on garden plants. Use the filter with ground coffee, and get an excellent fertilizer. Coffee contains many essential nutrients that promote plant growth.

You can collect four to five cups of ground coffee and use it for three to four indoor plants. The amount of ground coffee depends on the size of the plant. Save the filter and ground coffee and continue to use it for plants.

3. Use it to filter cooking oil

The coffee filter can be used as a filter for cooking oil. This is an excellent way to filter oil and remove impurities, ideal for repeated use. Remove the filter on the top of the oil tank and turn it upside down to filter the liquid into another container. The oil in the new container will contain clean oil, and you can use it for cooking again.

4. Arrange your flower pots

Usually, when we process soil in a flowerpot, it tends to overflow and cause confusion. This can be avoided by adding a coffee filter around the pot, creating a defensive line. It is one of the effective ways to protect the soil from overflowing from the pot.

5. Clean the glass surface

Glass stains can be ugly and are not suitable for your health. Using regular cleaning brushes will leave scratches on the glass surface. On the other hand, coffee filters are ideal for cleaning glass surfaces. The best part is that the coffee filter does not leave any scratches. More importantly, you don’t have to worry about leaving any residue.

6. Keep moisture in the microwave oven food

A coffee filter may be a good choice if you often use paper towels to cover food when heating food in the microwave. The coffee filter helps to retain moisture. But the added benefit is that since it is used in the coffee filter, you will reduce waste.

7. Protective resources

Coffee filters can be a cheaper alternative to protect valuables. They act as a non-abrasive protective layer. You can put them between valuables (such as jewelry) and keep them organized.

Steps to compost used coffee filter paper.

To properly compost the used coffee filter, you need to use a few steps:

1. Don’t empty coffee grounds

When we say compost coffee filter, you have to use coffee grounds. Used beans as an excellent fertilizer provide many essential nutrients for plants and promote their growth. So the first step is to keep the coffee filter and coffee grounds.

2. Remove the filter

If you put the whole piece of compost together, it will take longer to biodegrade. Therefore, it is best to tear the filter into small pieces to speed up the process. Since the filter is already wet, it is easier to pull the whole thing into small pieces. If you just removed the filter from the coffee machine, make sure to wear gloves to protect your hands from burns.

3. Don’t add them all at once

You cannot make compost using only a coffee filter. A balanced combination of organic matter and vegetation is needed to make adequate compost. Therefore, you cannot just use coffee grounds and filters to make compost. In addition, you should not add these ingredients in large quantities, as this will slow down the entire process. Add each coffee filter after each use. There is no need to save them all at once.

4. Mix

Everything needs to be moistened to decompose correctly, especially the used coffee beans. If you add dry coffee beans, it will take longer to complete the process. Therefore, mix all the ingredients to keep them dry on the top. If you think the mixture is dry, you can add some water. Use a pitchfork to mix everything well. Adding worms can also destroy the filter well.

Can the coffee filter be recycled?

No, coffee filters are not as recyclable as other papers, but they can only be used for composting. In addition, if you are using a plastic-coated filter, make sure to put it in the trash can after use. Yes, there is some kind of filter with a plastic layer.

When these are thrown on the ground, they will not decompose and affect the environment. Therefore, make sure you buy brown or reusable filters for different purposes.

Final thoughts

You can use things creatively to add value to your life. One way is to use a coffee filter. In addition to being a fully biodegradable high-quality source, it can be added to your compost. They can be used in different ways.

When buying a coffee filter, make sure to buy a high-quality filter to last longer and be used for different purposes. Above, we shared some simple and effective ways to use used coffee filters and get more benefits from your money.

The excellent use of coffee filters

1. Soothes puffy eyes

Use several coffee filters to help soothe puffy and itchy eyes. Soak the coffee filter in brewed tea (chamomile works well) or pure water, then cool in the refrigerator. Then fold the filters and place them on your eyes as a soothing cold compress. What!

2. Oil pan

Coffee filters are the perfect tool for applying oil or butter to cooking and baking pans because they do not leave any fiber or residue. Just dip the filter in a bit of oil or softened butter and wipe it inside the pan!

3. Protect dishes

You can protect your delicate dishes from scratches and scratches by stacking them with a coffee filter between each word. The coffee filter is strong enough to withstand the movement of the tableware but soft enough to prevent additional damage.

4. Control odor

Scoop a few tablespoons of baking soda into the coffee filter, tighten it, and secure it with a rubber band. Put the baking soda bag in shoes, gym bag, closet, refrigerator, or other places where you need to deodorize. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to the sachet to leave your favorite scent!

5. Clean up

The coffee filter is an ideal cleaning cloth for all kinds of cleaning tasks! They do not shed hair, so they are suitable for cleaning computer monitors, TVs, and windows. Even the most reflective surface will become clean, without streaks!

6. Soften clothes

One of my favorite coffee filter tips is to use it as a temporary drying paper! Soak the coffee filter with a bit of white vinegar and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Throw the “drying tablets” into the dryer together with your clothes. They will be static-free and smell fresh and clean!

7. Snack time

When you want to eat snacks, you can use the coffee filter as a disposable bowl. Use one to dispense popcorn, fries, pretzels, and more