Vegan dirty chai latte

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September 16, 2022

We have made an incredibly tasty guilty pleasure for the winter months; a vegan dirty chai! The warm spices in the classic chai combine perfectly with oat milk and, of course, an espresso shot. With the addition of an espresso shot, it is no longer called a chai latte but a dirty chai latte. The coffee gives the latte just that little bit of spice.

Vegan dirty chai latte recipe


  • Milk pitcher, 350 ml
  • Espresso machine
  • milk frother
  • Glass



  • 150 ml oat milk
  • 100 ml Nomad's chai classic chai
  • 1 espresso shot


  1. Brew an espresso your way, with your espresso machine in a cup.
  2. Add the oat milk and Nomad's chai classic chai to a milk pitcher.
  3. Heat the chai in your milk frother or with the steam wand of your espresso machine. Make sure you get a creamy foam head.
  4. Pour the chai over the espresso.

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