Barley coffee: what it is and how to prepare it

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October 28, 2022

What is barley coffee? It is a non-alcoholic beverage obtained by infusion from a very ancient cereal, specifically barley, previously roasted and ground.

The origins of the widespread popularity of this product lie in its low economic cost, which made this beverage particularly attractive during World War II, when traditional coffee had become almost a luxury for the population.

Today, barley coffee continues to be highly valued not only for its price, but also for its many healthy effects on the body: let's see which ones.

Benefits of barley coffee

Like chicory coffee, barley coffee is caffeine-free and is, therefore, a "light" alternative to espresso. In addition, when consumed consistently, this beverage can have several benefits for the body:

  1. It stimulates the gastric juices, promoting digestion.
  2. It relieves abdominal bloating.
  3. Helps those who suffer from constipation, promoting intestinal transit.
  4. It helps lower blood sugar levels.
  5. It is an effective anti-inflammatory.
  6. In general, it is a veritable mine of healthy nutrients, including phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin E, B vitamins and potassium.


How is barley coffee prepared?

Barley coffee can be prepared in several ways. Some of these are uncommon, such as preparation in the typical pot used for Turkish coffee. However, the use of instant barley, espresso machines, and the mocha are far more common.

Soluble barley

One of the most practical and quickest solutions is definitely the use of powder, which can dissolve instantly in hot water or milk. Soluble barley is readily available in all supermarkets.

In capsules or pods

Those who have already chosen an espresso machine in capsules or pods will surely be familiar with this type of preparation, which is also quick and convenient with this alternative to the usual espresso.

In fact, it is an extremely simple and intuitive procedure to follow: just insert the capsule or barley pod into the appliance and press the button to extract the drink.

How to make barley coffee with the mocha.

The classic procedure followed for the usual preparation of coffee with a mocha also applies to making barley:

  • Pour water into the moka pot up to the valve.
  • Place the filter, into which you insert the ground barley with a teaspoon.
  • Close the mocha and put it on the stove on low heat. After a few minutes, the drink is ready to be poured into coffee cups.

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